Standard Hanoverscher Schweisshund / Hanoverain Scenthound
TRANSLATION: C. Seidler, revised by E.Peper, latest corrections & revisions by Christina Bailey /
Tracking hound for wounded game, Scenthound. In accordance with his hunting requirements as a highly specialised huntingdog for the tracking of wounded game, the Hannoverscher Schweißhund has to display all by the FCI recognized Breed Club’s required hunting abilities, endurance, potential the working trials and be useful for the more difficult tracking of game.
Group 6 Scenthounds and related breeds. Section 2 Scenthounds/Leash Hounds. With working trial.
The Hannoverscher Schweißhund has developed almost unchanged from the so called «liam hound» (leash hound) of the early Middle Ages. The Liam hound, from the breed section of the «Bracke», already played an extraordinary part at the time of the establishment of clan rights of the Germanic tribes (in about 500AD). With the invention of firearms, the methods of hunting big game altered. Dogs were needed to search for wounded game. The liam hound offered the best conditions for this and so he became a « Liam-Scenthound ».
This breed description stayed in place until the hunting estate of the Kingdom of Hannover got more involved with this breed The Hanoverian hunting estate in the kingdom of Hannover developed this breed further and preserved the proven methods of handling these hounds. The Deutsche Schweißhund developed into the Hannoversche Schweißhund. Since 1894 the registered «Verein Hirschmann e.V.» has been taking care of the breed, Since then the breeding of these dogs has continued strictly with regard of their working ability and the dogs are used exclusively in hunting grounds for big game as specialists in tracking cloven-hoof game. The dissertation of Dr. Wolf-Eberhardt Barth of the “Forstlichen Fakultät of the GeorgAugust University in Gőttingen” about the subject “Der Hannoversche Schweißhund as an example of the development of the German Gundogs”1 is the scientific base for the insight into the history of this old gundog breed, which is correctly named German culture asset (Deutscher Schweißhund).
In general appearance the highly efficient Hannoverscher Schweißhund is of medium size, well proportioned and powerful. Well set strongly muscled fore and hind limbs qualify him for tireless work. Too long legs, specially overbuilt forequarters, affect his work with nose to ground and are foreign to his type. The broad, deep chest provides ample room for the lungs and enables long, strenuous chases. The slightly wrinkled forehead and the clear dark eyes produce the serious expression typical of the Hannoverscher Schweißhund. Also typical for the breed is the red primary colour of the coat, which can vary from a pale fawn colour to a dark brindle, almost black appearing colouring.
a) Length of body to height at withers: 1.4 to 1
b) Depth of chest to height at withers: 0.5 to 1
c) Length of bridge of nose to length of head: 0.5 to 1
Calm and assured temperament, at the same time sensitive with his handler, choosy and discerning with strangers. High capabilities of concentration in any tracking work with strong loyalty to the hunter in charge.
Forehead slightly wrinkled.
Skull: Broad, increasing in width towards the rear, flatly rounded. Occiput barely pronounced. Seen from the side, superciliary ridges clearly defined.
Stop: Mostly strongly pronounced, more so in males.
Nose: Broad, mostly black, rarely dark brown. Nose large, broad, nostrils well opened. Bridge of nose slightly arched or almost straight; more arched in males. Gradually narrowing towards forehead.
Muzzle: Strong, deep and broad. Well developed for being used (about 50% of length of head). Mandible strong.
Lips: Broad and pendulous, well rounded.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws normally developed, very strong, straight, providing all teeth with sufficient room. 42 teeth. Scissor or pincer bite.
Cheeks: Strongly muscled and very strong.
Eyes: Neither prominent nor deep-set, well fitting lids, darkbrown iris. Free of ectropion or entropion.
Ears: Of medium length. Set on high and broad, smooth, hanging close to the head without twist. Bluntly rounded at the tips.
Neck: Long and strong, gradually widening towards chest. Skin on throat full and loose, slight dewlap permissible.
Topline: Long, often slightly overbuilt. Withers: With normal rise. Base of neck strong. Back: Strong. Loins: Broad and pliable with slight arch.
Croup: Broad and long, sloping slightly towards the tail.
Chest: Deep and spacious, deep rather than broad.
Underline and belly: In a gradually rising line slightly tucked up.
Tail: High set-on, long and barely curved. Strong at set-on, gradually tapering towards the tip.
General appearance: Seen from the side, vertically set under the body and straight. Seen from the front, straight, often standing close. Well in proportion to the body.
Shoulder: Shoulder blade flat and close to the body, strongly muscled, well laid back.
Upper arm: Long.
Elbow: Well set backwards, close to the body.
Forearm: Straight, well muscled.
Carpus (Wrist): Broad, almost straight.
Metacarpus (Pastern): Never totally steep.
Forefeet: Strong, round; toes well arched, well knit; pads large and tough; strong nails.
General appearance: Seen from the side, set under the body or slightly standing back. Well angulated. Seen from behind, straight. For a medium-sized dog which is longer than high, normal in proportion to the body. Pelvis broad and capacious.
Thigh: Strongly muscled.
Stifle (Knee): With an angle of more than 120°.
Lower thigh: Straight and lean.
Hock joint: Broad and strong.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern): Almost vertical to the ground.
Hind feet: Rounded, well-knit toes.
Able to move in all gaits, full of drive, flexible, ground covering when galloping. Preferred gaits at work are the walk or the gallop.
Thick, rather loose, mostly wrinkled on the head, and occasionally at the throat, too.
Hair: Short, thick, coarse to harsh; somewhat longer and coarser on the rear edges of the upper thighs only. Coat on tail is dense and coarse, a little longer and coarser on the underside.
Colour: Light to dark deer-red, more or less intensely brindled, with or without mask. Small white patches on forechest to be tolerated.
Height at the withers: Males: 50–55 cm / Females: 48–53 cm.
Weight: Males: 30–40 kg / Females: 25–35 kg.
Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness, with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and its ability to perform its traditional work.
• Square build.
• Fine bones.
• Lack of the first premolar (PM1) or of other teeth.
• Under- or overshot bite.
• Ectropion, entropion.
• Twisted or small ears.
• Hindquarters strongly overbuilt.
• Swayback or roach back.
• Barrel shaped ribcage.
• Strongly curved or thin tail.
• Steep or loose shoulders.
• Strongly cow-hocked or bandy-legged.
• Splayed feet, harefeet.
• Aggressive or overly shy dogs.
• Any dog clearly showing physical of behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
• The above mentioned faults when occurring to a highly marked degree or frequently are disqualifying.
Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Only functionally and clinically healthy dogs, with breed typical conformation, should be used for breeding. The latest amendments are in bold characters.
1 (Magazines of the Landesjagdverbands Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg e.V., Landesjägerschaft, Magazine 2, Hamburg 1970, 96 S)

Hanoverian blood research dogs are the almost identical offspring of the Leashed Bloodhound of the early Middle Ages. This search dog from the group of scent hounds played a major role in the days of the barbarian kingdoms (circa 500 AD). With the advent of firearms, hunting techniques were adapted to large game. A dog to search for injured game was now needed. The bloodhound demonstrating the best skills, the German bloodhound was gradually trained to become the German blood search dog. This breed designation persisted until the hunting administration of the kingdom of Hanover appropriated it. The direction of the hunts continued the development of this breed within the kingdom of Hanover and acquired conclusive training techniques. The German blood research dog became the Hanover blood research dog. As a breeding, the Hirschmann eV club has been perpetuating this breed since 1894. Since that date, the breeding of these dogs has been continued according to strict performance codes and only in large game areas as a specialist in ungulate research. The dissertation by Dr. Wolf-Eberhardt Barth at the Forstlichen faculty of the Georg-August-Universität in Göttingen on the topic "The Hanoverian blood research dog as an example of the evolution of a German hunting dog" [ 1] is the scientific material which provides an insight into the history of this ancient breed of hunting dogs, which can rightly be called part of the German heritage (German-blooded research dog).
The Hanoverian Blood Research Dog is generally medium in size, well proportioned. He is a powerful and efficient dog. It benefits from great endurance thanks to its well positioned and powerfully muscular front and rear limbs. Its too high limbs, and particularly its overbuilt forearm, hamper the work from the nose to the ground and are characteristic of the type. Its wide and deep chest offers plenty of room for the lungs and allows endurance over long races. His slightly furrowed forehead and light, dark eyes give the Hanoverian Blood Search Dog his distinctive expression of seriousness. Its red dress (red fawn) is also a particular sign of this breed. It can vary in color from light fawn to dark brindle, almost black.
a) length of body / height at withers: 1.4 to 1
b) height of the chest / height at the withers: 0.5 to 1
c) muzzle length / head length: 0.5 to 1
Quiet and reliable character, sensitive to its owner, and selective / reserved with strangers. Great capacity for concentration when searching for game, pack relation to the hunter who leads.
Slightly pleated front.
Skull: Broad, widening towards the rear, clearly domed. Occipital protuberance little marked. Seen from the side, eyebrow arches clearly visible.
Stop: Rather very marked, particularly in the male.
Nose: Large, most often black, rarely dark brown. Nose, large, broad, well open nostrils. Slightly arched or almost rectilinear muzzle. More pronounced hooked aspect in the male. Going thinning towards the forehead.
Muzzle: Powerful, broad and low. Well marked, in line with its function (approximately 50% of the length of the head). Strong mandibles.
Lips: Wide, full and well rounded.
Jaws and Teeth: Jaws normally developed, very strong, straight, spacious for full dentition. 42 teeth. Articulated in scissors or pincers.
Cheeks: Strongly muscled and very powerful.
Eyes: Neither prominent nor too deep; the eyelids follow the shape of the eyeball. Dark brown iris. Absence of ectropion and entropion.
Ears: Moderately long, set high and broad at the base, rounded at their tip, smooth and without being curled, they hang flat along the head.
Neck: Long and powerful, gradually widening towards the chest. Full, supple throat skin, slight dewlap tolerated.
Topline: Long, often a little overbuilt.
Withers: Normal ancestry, strong base of the neck.
Back: Powerful.
Loin: Large with a slight curvature and supple.
Croup: Long and broad, gently descending towards the tail.
Chest: Well let down and developed, deeper than wide.
Bottom line and belly: Line which rises gradually, belly noticeably raised.
Tail: Set high, long and slightly arched, powerful at the base and gradually thinning out towards the tip.
Overall view: Seen in profile, square under the body and straight. Seen from the front, straight, often tight. Well proportional to the body.
Shoulder: Scapula firmly placed against the chest wall, firmly muscled, well inclined backwards.
Arm: Long.
Elbow: Close to the body and well placed behind.
Forearm: Straight, well muscled.
Carpus (wrist): Broad, almost straight.
Pastern: Never completely stiff.
Forefeet: Powerful, round, toes well curved, tight, pads broad and firm, powerful claws.
Overall view: Seen in profile, position under the body or slightly tilted back. Good angulation.
Seen from the rear: straight. Ratio to normal body, in a medium-sized dog longer than leggy.
Basin: Wide and deep.
Thigh: Strongly muscled.
Stifle (knee): Joint with an angulation of more than 120 °.
Leg: Straight and lean.
Hock: Broad and powerful.
Metatarsus: Almost vertical position.
Hind feet: Rounded, tight toes.
Ease at all gaits with a lot of momentum, flexible, great amplitude at the gallop. At work, preferably at a walk and at a gallop.
Thick, particularly supple, especially puckered at the head and sometimes on the throat. Pleated forehead typical of the breed.
Coat: Short, close, dry to harsh, a little longer and thicker on the back of the thighs. The tail cover is tight and dry, longer and thicker on the underside.
Color: Light to dark deer red, more or less brindle, with or without mask. Small white marks on the chest are tolerated.
Height at withers: Dogs: 50 - 55 cm / Females: 48 - 53 cm.
Weight: Males: 30 - 40 kg / Females: 25 - 35 kg.
Any deviation from the above must be considered as a defect which will be penalized according to its seriousness and its consequences on the health and well-being of the dog.
• Square morphology.
• Thin framework.
• Defective dentition: absence of the first premolars or other teeth.
• Higher or lower prognathism.
• Entropion, ectropion.
• Wavy or small ears.
• Substantially overbuilt hindquarters.
• Saddleback or piked back.
• Barrel rib cage.
• Tail thin or strongly curved.
• Shoulder stiff or too flexible.
• Clearly pronounced cow or barrel hocks.
• Sagging feet, hare's feet.
• Aggressive or overly shy dog.
• Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities.
• Any fault listed above of a very pronounced or repetitive nature results in exclusion.
Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Only dogs which are healthy and capable of performing the functions for which they have been selected, and whose morphology is typical of the breed, may be used for breeding.
[1] Der Hannoversche Schweißhund als Beispiel der Entwicklung eines deutschen Jagdhundes, (Schriftenreihe des Landesjagdverbands Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg eV, Landesjägerschaft, Heft 2, Hamburg 1970, 96 S.)