The Bavarian Mountain Scenthound is a working dog breed for the tracking of injured big game. The blood tracking tests for the Hanoverian Scenthound are intended to detect purebred dogs, gifted and capable of this discipline according to the style of the breed. These tests are thus intended to control the abilities of the young Bavarian Mountain Scenthound in the face of situations corresponding to the activity for which this race was created. It also confirms certain qualities found in its ancestors. Finding the best subjects makes it possible to prioritize males and females for breeding.
In these tests, the young dog must demonstrate if the working skills of the Bavarian Mountain Scenthound exist and demonstrate his behavioral balance. Some qualities may be instinctive (the innate ones) others acquired which will require preparation so that they can express themselves correctly on the day of the test.
To understand and prepare the pair for this test, a document was prepared for the members. For more information, do not hesitate to join one of the administrators of the club (see the contact section).
The club invites a judge accredited by the FCI to apply the rules adopted by the board of directors. This test is faithful to the criteria normally observed in Europe for this type of test. Event rules are available to members.
To register and consult the next tests in Quebec, consult the "event" section of this site.

Préparer son chien au TAN
Pour comprendre et bien préparer le binôme à ce test d'aptitude naturelle (TAN), un document a été préparé à l'intention des membres. Pour plus de renseignement, n'hésitez pas à rejoindre l'un des administrateurs du club (voir la section contact).

Le club invite un juge accrédité par la FCI pour appliquer les règles adoptées par le conseil d'administration. Cette épreuve est fidèle aux critères observés normalement en Europe pour ce type de test. Les règlements des épreuves sont disponibles aux membres.
Pour vous inscrire et consulter les prochains tests et épreuves au Québec, consulter la section "événement" du présent site.