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The Bavarian and Hanoverian
Scenthound Club of Canada
(in French: Club canadien des Chiens de rouge
du Hanovre et de Bavière (CCCRHB))
is proud to introduce a brand new website.
Visit the website frequently, it will be constantly updated.
Enjoy your reading!
- The BHSCC team

Our two breeds in a nutshell ...
Working dog
Tracking and Searching for Injured Big Game
Balanced dog
Respect for nature and people
Rare dog
Available only for blood dog handlers accredited by the Association of Blood Dogs of Quebec (ACCSQ)
or other association of bloodtracker
Proof dog
Participates in tests at work and obedience
You wish to acquire a
Hanoverain Scent Hound (HS) or Bavarian Mountain Scent Hound (BGS) to practice the search for injured big animals?
Where can you find the puppy that will become the ideal partner?
The Club has a network of contacts who are trusted breeders. Let us know, we can support you in your adoption process.

Qu'est-ce qu'un conducteur de chien de sang?
Association des conducteurs de chiens de sang du Québec (ACCSQ)
Big Game Blood Trackers Ontario (BGBTO)
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