Breeding policy
The BHSCC urges that every Hanoverian Scenthound and Bavarian Mountain Scenthound follow the progression course in our selection grid. The handler follows this staged grid step by step in order to contribute to the longevity and wealth of Canadian breeding . The criteria are validated by the CFC and registered in a register recognized by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI).
The club can only recommend the purchase of an FCI puppy and equally from selected progenitors, that is to say, classified 3/6, from breeders respectful of the breeding policy. In this case, the breeder asks the future owner of the dog to sign our Breeding Charter.
The dog's education begins at an early age. His first year is devoted to the preparation for the Test d'Aptitudes Naturelles (TAN), where he can participate around the age of 12 months. The BHSCC organizes this test at least once a year.
The dog continues his development in the field during the hunting season with repeated searches as often as possible depending on the availability of the driver.The club asks each of its members for what is called a "Fiche de recherche" (Tracking sheet), which allows it to appreciate the dogs progression in the quality of his work, his perseverance, and his ability to pursue a wounded game found alive. This data is compiled with the help of a computer form. It is important to keep in mind that this is not a competition for better success statistics, since the exercise conditions (biotope, hunting traditions, level of difficulty depending on the conditions, etc.) vary greatly on Canadian territory. It is a way to follow each dog in its evolution.
Once the dog has been placed in a appropriate level of research, it is necessary to look at the health characteristics. The Hanoverian Scenthound breed and Bavarian Mountain Scenthound breed has so far been spared from genetically transmitted flails that affect certain lines of large dogs,only the screening x-ray for dysplasia coxofemoral is required, according to a precise protocol. Examinations may be performed by any veterinarian registered with the Order, but their interpretation must be entrusted to an official reader of the OFA (Orthopedic Foundation for Animals). The results are sent to the Club which must be recorded in the health file. Only X-rayed dogs with stage A or B dysplasia have access to the selection grid.
Field work remains paramount and the now mature dog in his specialty has gained some experience. The dog is considered as selected sire, that is to say, ranked 3/6 in the breeding grid. Access to the Brevet de Maîtrise (BM) is only available for confirmed dogs.

The breeding policy defines the minimum criteria that a dog must meet in order to be selected as a breeder. For this, throughout his life, the dog "climbs" in a selection grid as it meets various criteria.
The criteria to be fulfilled are defined in the selection grid shown below. Only qualified dogs "Selected" (3 points) and "Recommended" (4 points) are admitted as breeders. So-called "Recommended" dogs are normally preferred for breeding.
Table 1. Summary of the selection grid criteria

To be confirmed, a dog must have an FCI pedigree or a Canadian pedigree. It must be identified by a microchip.
The FCI recommends breeding above a level of inbreeding of 10%. The breeding manager ensures that the litters tend towards 0% inbreeding and avoid exceeding 5% over 3 generations.
By becoming a member of the CCCRHB, each one agrees, in writing, to respect this policy, but also to present the working tests, to submit the dog to tests, such as the test for hip dysplasia. Failure to respect this commitment leads to the exclusion of the offending member and to the impossibility for him to still obtain a puppy from the CCCRHB. The owner of the dog must transmit the breeder's reports.